The Avenger SS is a maximum distance driver for the rest of us, combining long glide, ease of control, and durable Z plastic. Throw it hard and flat for a slight fade to the right, then watch the Avenger SS keep on gliding through a smooth, gentle finish. Try one, and you'll be hooked.
The Avenger SS is a maximum distance driver for the rest of us, combining long glide, ease of control, and durable Z plastic. Throw it hard and flat for a slight fade to the right, then watch the Avenger SS keep on gliding through a smooth, gentle finish. Try one, and you'll be hooked.
More players agree: Buzzz™ is the best golf disc you can buy, period. It's an ultra-dependable, straight flying midrange that you'll reach for again and again. Throw it hard and versatile Buzzz™ will hold any line you put it on. Discraft's 30-year reputation for consistency means that if you lose it, just pull out a new one and you're back in business.
More players agree: Buzzz is the best golf disc you can buy, period. It's an ultra-dependable, straight flying midrange that you'll reach for again and again. Throw it hard and versatile Buzzz will hold any line you put it on. Discraft's 30-year reputation for consistency means that if you lose it, just pull out a new one and you're back in business.
More players agree: Buzzz is the best golf disc you can buy, period. It's an ultra-dependable, straight flying midrange that you'll reach for again and again. Throw it hard and versatile Buzzz will hold any line you put it on. Discraft's 30-year reputation for consistency means that if you lose it, just pull out a new one and you're back in business.
Flies like a well-seasoned Buzzz right out of the box! Nice glide and super smooth for buttery anhyzers, a must have for all Buzzz fans. World Champion Eric McCabe signature model.
Flies like a well-seasoned Buzzz right out of the box! Nice glide and super smooth for buttery anhyzers, a must have for all Buzzz fans. World Champion Eric McCabe signature model.
If you own only one disc, this is it. The legendary Comet is a super accurate, straight flying approach disc. Holds whatever line you throw it on. The Comet was crucial to Ron Russell's Pro Worlds victory, and has been called the best golf disc ever.
The Crush is an overstable, maximum distance driver with a wide rim and flat top that delivers superior distance off the tee in almost all wind conditions. Used by many top pros as their main driver, the Crush is a very fast disc that finishes with excellent glide.
A legendary driver that players come back for again and again. In the mid-90s, the Cyclone ruled the tee, and ushered in the era of golf drivers made from high-tech engineered polymers. It's easy to control whether you're going straight, hyzer or anhyzer. A disc golf standard.
If you're throwing hard for maximum distance, reach for the high performance Force. This is Discraft's fastest overstable driver, with a wide rim and jaw-dropping glide that delivers a new level of distance potential. It's intended for experienced players who throw with power.
If you're throwing hard for maximum distance, reach for the high performance Force. This is Discraft's fastest overstable driver, with a wide rim and jaw-dropping glide that delivers a new level of distance potential. It's intended for experienced players who throw with power.
If you're throwing hard for maximum distance, reach for the high performance Force. This is Discraft's fastest overstable driver, with a wide rim and jaw-dropping glide that delivers a new level of distance potential. It's intended for experienced players who throw with power.
Longer drives are now as easy as pushing a button: NUKE™ delivers virtually effortless maximum distance for moderate to expert players. The wide, heavy rim and refined aerodynamic engineering give NUKE unparalleled velocity, while a 1.6 stability rating makes it more useful to a wider range of players. Seize the power!
Longer drives are now as easy as pushing a button: NUKE delivers virtually effortless maximum distance for moderate to expert players. The wide, heavy rim and refined aerodynamic engineering give NUKE unparalleled velocity, while a 1.6 stability rating makes it more useful to a wider range of players. Seize the power!
Big D for big arms: created for expert players and windy conditions, NUKE OS (Over Stable) is a super fast driver that rewards power throwers with insane distance potential. Will finish on a hyzer even in strong winds, and offers the most dependable consistency of any high speed driver on the market.
NUKE SS gives developing players the means to get the distance of more advanced throwers without needing years of experience. You can get very long turnovers at medium speed, or throw your longest rollers ever at high speed! Give it a rip and see for yourself.
Whether you're throwing hard or soft, Stalker is a straight flier that won't turn over unless you want it to. Forgives small release errors and produces a gentle finish with soft landings that won't skip away from the target on impact. Players are calling it a Buzzz on 'roids.
The Stratus is great for beginners as well as pros. Easy to throw, it will fly straight at low to mid speeds, or fade to an anhyzer at higher speeds. A well-worn Stratus will flip flat when thrown on a hard hyzer. Try it for roller shots too!
A max distance driver for players who don't have quite enough snap to maximize the original Surge's potential. The Super Straight Surge SS delivers all the glide that players have come to expect from a Surge, with a straighter edge to enhance controllability at slower speeds. Goes a long way with less effort!
The Wasp is our most popular overstable midrange. Superbly consistent flight characteristics for shots in the 250-350 foot range, you'll want one for windy days or hyzer finishes.
The XS is one of our most popular models, and was the 2001 world distance record holder at 712 feet. Easy to throw, especially for beginner to mid-level players.
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